D&D Automotive Repair

When do I Need an Oil Change in Whittier, Ca?

When do I Need an Oil Change?

Your vehicle’s oil is probably one of the most important things in your car. The best part about getting an oil change is that it’s quick, easy, and generally affordable. That does not mean that you should just forget about it if it’s time to change your oil. Changing your oil regularly will ensure that the drive of your vehicle is always smooth and your engine is running at its best. 

Sometimes you don’t realize how important changing your oil really is though. If you wait too long, that simple $30-40 oil change can now cost you up to a few hundred dollars in repairs depending on how long you sat on the issue. 

So when should you change your oil?

Check Engine or Maintenance Light

The easiest way to determine when it is time to get an Oil Change is when your Factory Scheduled Maintenance Light turns on. Since many cars are now running digitally rather than mechanically, it’s very easy for your car’s system to determine when is the best time to get an oil change based on the time and/or miles you have driven. With older models of vehicles, if you have not been paying attention to your driven miles, your Check Engine light may come on signifying that either there is something wrong with the engine or that it may be time to run a routine maintenance on your vehicle. 

Dark Oil 

Although You may not need to change your oil every 2-3 months in most cases, checking your engine oil regularly is very important. When first putting in new engine oil, it should appear and a light to amber brown and be almost transparent. As you drive your car more, your engine oil will get progressively darker until it’s time to change it. When it’s time to change your engine’s oil, the oil may appear dark brown or black and may even seem a little thicker. 

Oily Smell in The Car

This may not come as a surprise, but if you smell any odd smell in your vehicle, it’s probably a good idea to get it checked out. Although you may not be able to 100% determine that it is the Oil that is causing the smell, if you smell any oily substance in your vehicle, there is a good chance your car is in need of an oil change. In that case, you may also need to replace the filter. 

Smoke From the Exhaust

Smoke from the exhaust can be very serious and has many causes. It goes without a doubt that if you are having any smoke that is coming from your exhaust you should get your car checked immediately. 

Some signs that it may be time to get an oil change would be either if you are having gray or blue smoke coming out of your vehicle. If you are getting gray smoke it may be a sign that your engine is overheating or your fuel is not igniting properly within the chamber. Again Oil is what helps your car to keep running smoothly. Waiting too long could cause some parts to malfunction and result in gray smoke. On the other hand, blue smoke is a sign that oil is leaking into the combustion chamber of your car. Although this may not be a reason to change your oil. Finding the leak, fixing it and then re-filling your oil would be the best.  

High Mileage

If you don’t see any of these other signs, but still want to be on the safer side, doing an oil change roughly every 4,000-7,000 miles is a good practice depending on your vehicle, the oil type and how you drive the car. Some synthetic oils and vehicles can allow up to 10,000 miles between oil changes, but you may be just pushing it at that point. You should also consider replacing your oil filter roughly every 10,000-15,000 miles to ensure that your vehicle is running at its best!

For Quick and Discounted Oil Changes in Whittier, Ca!

Our Team of Professional Automotive Specialists are here to help you with any of your Auto Repair and Service Needs. Changing your Oil is just one of the many services we offer you in Whittier and La Mirada, Ca. Don’t wait too long to change your oil! It is the most important fluid in your vehicle followed by Gasoline! Changing your Oil will ensure that your car will last you a lifetime!

Take advantage of our specials and see what discounts are waiting for you! For a quick quote on your next Vehicle Repair, Whether it’s a Truck, SUV, Motorhome, Hybrid or Diesel Vehicle, rest assured knowing that we will go above and beyond to make sure you are taken care of!

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